[DiATOME] ultra semi

등록일2024. 09. 19
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[DiATOME] ultra semi

[DiATOME] product

어스바이오는 DiATOME 전문 취급점으로서 모든 제품을 전문적으로 취급 및 공급하고 있습니다.
DiATOME의 ultra Diamond Knives 제품을 소개드립니다.

ultra Diamond Knives:

  • Highest quality diamonds and optimal crystal orientation guarantee perfect ultrathin sections and a durable edge.
  • Section pick-up is facilitated as the boat is horizontal allowing the water to completely fill the boat all the way round.
  • A hydrophilic surface makes it easy to wet the cutting edge, even with a low water level.

[DiATOME] ultra semi

ultra semi


Product Information:

  • Knife type: ultra semi
  • Knife angle: 35°
  • EDGE Size [mm]: 3.0mm
  • Thickness range [nm]: 50–500
  • Boat type: Standard boat
  • Code (new knife): 30-S
  • Application: Alternating sectioning ultra thin/semithin

Characteristics & Quality

  • DiATOME knives are compatible with all ultramicrotomes.
  • The boat is designed in such a manner that the water surface is horizontal when the clearance angle is set. This results in a stationary water surface and good reflection.
  • The shape of the boat offers you the advantage of easy pick-up of the floating sections.
  • The surfaces of the DiATOME diamond knives are hydrophilic. This property allows an easy wetting of the cutting edge, even with a very low water level (important for sectioning Lowicryls and other hydrophilic embedding media, as well as for water sensitive samples.)
  • The diamond is fastened in a metal shank which is securely screwed into the boat.
  • The cementing material seals boat and knife. It is hydrophilic and aids the easy wetting of the cutting edge.

어스바이오(USBIO)는 DiATOME 전문 취급점입니다.
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Tel : 02-862-2816 / email : bio@usbio.co.kr

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